Mariano Dallago

Freelance Photographer


Born in Trentino in 1963, Mariano Dallago has been working as a freelance photographer since 1989: he has always worked in the field of architectural photography and the reproduction of works of art. He collaborates with various Italian superintendencies for the cataloging of artistic heritage, with various restorers for which he follows the different stages of the restoration of works of art and with publishers (Allemandi, Gribaudo, Panini, Nicolodi) for the publication of art volumes. Some of his images are exhibited in collective and personal exhibitions (Bologna, Parma, Livorno, Ivrea, Turin).

For the City of Turin he performed the photogrammetric survey of Palazzo Madama with a pool of architects, the photographic campaign of Palazzo Montecitorio for the Chamber of Deputies in Rome, and the documentation of the “Triumphs of the Baroque” exhibition for the National Gallery of Washington. He collaborates with the European Council in Brussels on the creation of a volume of the collection of contemporary art.

He teaches photography at NABA (New Academy of Fine Arts) in Milan.
