Summer School.

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A formula dedicated to those who wish to go deeper, research and learn a creative, technical and experimental approach through a multi-day course designed for students and professionals, enthusiasts and artists.

Ideal for approaching a topic intensively and immersing totally in a creative space led by and working side by side with professional tutors. It will be possible to explore both the technical aspects and the practical side of manual experimentation.

Engraving techniques

The four-day full immersion is projected for those who want to improve their knowledge and at the same time allows beginners to accurately deal with all aspects of the art of engraving.
The techniques will be dealt with in depth and the participants will be helped to create, at their choice, small or large format slabs. All the materials used are included in the cost of the masterclass and provided by the tutor and the Print Club Torino.

The workshop will be activated with a maximum of ten participants to allow everyone to be followed in a careful and timely manner. The course is organized in collaboration with Giancarlo Busato of the Stamperia d’Arte Busato.

Creative Process: Gabriela Niko

The opportunity to learn about the creative path of an artist in an informal and creative environment and introduce members to the techniques that will be used. The summer of 2024 sees a guest of exceptional ability and fame: Gabriela Niko, who will be in the laboratory from 19 to 21 July. Save the date!

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